What is Google AdWords?

Google AdWords is a tool that allows you, through campaigns, to make yourself known to your target audience. But also to make sales, get leads and/or calls according to your sector and objectives. Visit www.instaon.io for more about Google AdWords and digital marketing. We can divide Google campaigns into several categories: text campaigns, visual campaigns also called banners, Youtube campaigns made from video and finally shopping campaigns for E-commerce. Campaigns can be broadcast on Google’s search network, on partner sites in Google’s network and on the display network that includes Youtube.

Text campaign

We will start with the basics: text campaigns. This type of campaign consists of two titles of 30 characters maximum each, a description line of 80 characters maximum, a URL to display and a destination URL. How to create a text campaign on the search network? To create a text campaign, you can either go to the Google AdWords site or to Google Adwords Editor. You can either buy keywords in large modified, expression, exact and / or large. It is up to you to choose the targeting that best suits your strategy. In most cases, the ideal is to favour the purchase of large modified keywords. With this type of correspondence, you choose the keywords you absolutely want to see appear and allow searches with other terms before, between, and even after. Simply add a “+” before each word to indicate to the system that you want to use this targeting. The basic process is therefore to buy terms such as, for example, +plumber +paris +2. And as soon as a user types a search with this expression, the ad will appear and the user will have the possibility to click on the ad and see the site or call directly through the call extension. It is advisable to make several announcements to see which one will perform best. These different extensions can be added at the ad group, campaign or account level. You can therefore put different extensions per campaign if the strong points to highlight are not the same. These extensions will appear randomly at the bottom of the ad when the ad is well positioned.

Display/video campaign

Display campaigns can be in the form of texts, banners or videos. Advertisements for its campaigns are only published on Google’s display network sites. How to create display and video campaigns? To create a video campaign, you just need a video. You can host it on Youtube. For display ads, you have several options: make text ads, import banners in GIF format for example or create banners directly via the Google tool.

Shopping campaign

A shopping campaign consists of the product photo, the product name and its price. How to create a shopping campaign? To create a shopping campaign, you must first have a Google merchant center account, create a feed with the products and then, on Google AdWords, create one or more campaigns with the products. Google Adwords allows you to have campaigns on the search network and on the display network. You can vary the ad formats with text, banners, videos, and even shopping ads. Today, to promote your products and services, you have to be everywhere and do not neglect any support that attracts prospects. The ideal is therefore to have both text campaigns, banners and shopping, if the site is a merchant.

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